Summoning Courage from within

On the occasion of the very sad news of the passing of our wonderful Irish journalist Keelin Shanley, who has inspired so many of us, I would like to share some of Keelin’s wisdom with you (from article on Sunday Independent March 2019):

Courage is the ability to put worry, ego and fear to one side and push forward to try and bring about change.

It’s being able to say, ‘What’s the worst that can happen?’ and facing down the prospect of failure.

Courage is different to resilience, but the two are often confused. Resilience is about being able to deal with adversity, or making the best of something when you have no choice but to put up with it. Courage, to me, is proactive – choosing the tough route, when you also have an easier option. It’s the person who intervenes when they see bullying or mistreatment; the person who questions the status quo; who risks their own well-being or comfort to do the right thing.

We’ve seen huge courage both in Ireland and around the world in recent years, with individuals speaking out about experiences in an effort to change attitudes for those coming behind them. The #MeToo movement and the recent referendums encouraged many people on all sides to speak out, regardless of the personal cost.

Working in journalism over the last three decades, I have met many courageous people. From well-known icons like Malala Yousafzai, to the unsung heroes who tell their stories of homelessness, drug addiction or crime, so we too can shine a light on the world we live in…

Full article including photos of Keelin on:-

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